Skin Tags

Effective Management and Removal of Skin Tags at Tru-Skin Dermatology

Skin tags are small, benign growths that often appear on areas such as the neck, armpits, eyelids, and under the breasts. These soft, flesh-colored lesions are generally painless but can cause discomfort when they rub against clothing or jewelry. Sometimes, skin tags may become irritated or inflamed, leading to further concerns.

At Tru-Skin, our skilled dermatologists specialize in the effective management and removal of skin tags. We offer personalized treatment options tailored to your needs, ensuring safe and efficient removal through methods such as cryotherapy, excision, or cauterization. Our goal is to improve your skin's appearance and provide relief from any discomfort.

If you're looking for expert solutions for skin tag removal, schedule with Tru-Skin dermatology in Central Texas today. 

Removal of Dangerous Skin Tags

  • In most skin tag cases, it isn’t necessary to medically remove skin tags.
You may need to remove a skin tag if:
  • Continuously Bleeds
  • Continues Growing
  • Is Multiple Colors

Skin Tag Removal Methods

  • We’ll assess your skin tags before deciding on the type of removal for the best cosmetic result.
  • We’ll usually administer a local anesthetic for numbing followed by one of these removal methods:
  • Snipping with medical scissors or scalpel
  • Freezing with liquid nitrogen
  • Burning with electrocautery

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags are a common skin issue. The small tags are made of cores of fibers, ducts, fat cells, nerve cells, and skin. Skin tags develop after birth and as we age. Obesity is known as one cause of some skin tags. Hormone elevations during pregnancy also cause some skin tags to form. People with diabetes or thyroid disease tend to form skin tags. Though they are unsightly to come people, skin tags are usually harmless. There is not a clear answer as to what causes skin tags, but some experts believe they happen when clusters of blood vessels and collagen get trapped inside thick pieces of skin. They are most common in skin folds and creases. This may be caused by skin rubbing against other skin.

Skin Tags FAQs

Generally, skin tags are painless, but they can become irritated or catch on clothing, causing minor discomfort. Dermatologists can remove them if they become bothersome.

It's safer to have skin tags removed by a dermatologist. Attempting removal at home can lead to infection or scarring.

Dermatologists can diagnose skin tags through a visual examination. If you notice changes in a skin tag's appearance, experience pain, or are uncertain about a growth, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Skin tags don't need to be removed for health reasons, but they can be removed if they cause discomfort or for cosmetic reasons. Dermatologists may use methods like cutting, freezing, or cauterization for safe removal.

Skin tags are typically harmless and not indicative of an underlying health issue. While they may grow back after removal, dermatologists can effectively address them.

Choose Tru-Skin Dermatology for your Skin Tag Needs

We understand there are many local dermatology options. Our physician-owned practice focuses on keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. We’re always on top of the latest techniques to make sure you get the most effective treatments. We want to help you maintain healthy skin by offering a variety of cosmetic dermatology procedures. We’ll remove your skin tags and alleviate any other skin issues to help you look and feel your best. Contact us for a consultation today.

If you are embarrassed or annoyed by skin tags, contact Tru-Skin Dermatology to discuss removal. Our removal techniques are as painless as possible with lasting results. Skin tags are not preventable and may show up as you age, but we can stay on top of the removal process. We’ll examine your skin tags and determine the best option for removal. We offer skin tag removals at each of our state-of-the-art clinics in Austin, TX and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.