• Stress is one of your skin's worst enemies banner

By Rebecca Ambrose It’s pretty much a given that we all have stress in our lives. The car won’t start, we’re running late for work, where in the world are the car keys, and we’ve misplaced our phone. Again! We all sometimes experience periods of low-level stress, but occasionally we can have an extremely stressful life event occur. Did you know the way our bodies respond to stress can have a profound effect on the condition and appearance of our skin? While both chronic and extreme stress takes a toll on our entire body, let’s take a look at how stress can affect the largest organ of our body: our skin. Stress not only has the effect of making us feel pretty terrible, but it also causes a flood of hormones to release into our bodies. One of these hormones, cortisol, is often called the primary “stress hormone” because it’s […]

Medical Appointments Update

  • Medical appointments update banner

Dear Valued Patient, Tru-Skin Dermatology hopes you and your family continue to stay safe and healthy during this difficult time. As we navigate toward the end of Stay-at-Home orders, we continue to ensure the safety of our patients and staff to provide the best experience possible. We are proud to announce that as of Wednesday, April 22, we opened our schedules to provide more medical appointments in all our offices. Our providers may see patients in office for the following appointments: Excisions Cyst removal AK, Verruca, or ISK cryosurgery Biologic injections New or suspicious growth or lesion Hair loss Full-body skin exams MOHS Benign tumor removal IL injections Superficial Radiation Treatments Rashes Acutane Keloids Tru-Skin Dermatology’s Telehealth Appointments will remain available to you as well where you may see the provider of your choice from the safety and comfort of your home. Please be advised not all visits can be […]

Tips to Banish Tech Neck

  • Tips to banish tech neck by Rebecca Ambrose at Tru-Skin

With most of the country quarantined and more and more people having to work from home, we are spending increasingly more and more time either staring down at our phones or laptops or watching television. While these activities are sometimes necessary both for work and relaxation, the position we’re putting our bodies in is aggravating neck and back strain, and leading to an increase in the dreaded “tech neck.” Tech neck can be defined as a condition caused by repeatedly craning your head down and sometimes forward to look at a screen. This can apply excess pressure on your bones and muscles, and over time can result in back and neck strain, headaches, pain, and even damage to the spine. While there are specific exercises, therapies, and medical treatments aimed at correcting and relieving this condition, did you know that tech neck also can affect the tone, texture, and look […]